Trinity piano qualifications for Yamaha piano course students in Asia

Thanks to a special arrangement between the Yamaha Music Foundation and Trinity College London, Yamaha Piano Course students in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand can gain an internationally recognised Trinity qualification to demonstrate their achievement and progress.

In the examination, students may choose a piece of music from the approved Yamaha Piano Course repertoire list as one of their three pieces to present. The other two pieces of music, as well as the full exam requirements, are set out in the Trinity piano syllabus.

When students pass each graded piano exam, they will be awarded a Trinity College London qualification that is valued by students, teachers, parents and educational bodies around the world.

This arrangement applies to piano exams from Initial to Grade 7, for candidates using the 2018-2020 syllabus.

Further details about the Yamaha Piano Course can be found here.


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