Private language schools

Why Trinity exams

This page brings together useful information from around our website for private language schools.

Trinity College London is a leading international exam board and independent education charity that has been providing assessments around the world since 1877. Our qualifications are recognised around the world by regulators, governments and universities as reliable evidence of students’ achievement.

With over 850,000 candidates a year in more than 60 countries worldwide, Trinity specialises in the assessment of communicative and performance skills covering music, drama, combined arts and English language.

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Trinity English language qualifications

Trinity offers flexible pathways to English language qualifications, with clear achievable steps from beginner to advanced.

Trinity’s certificates are valid for life as robust evidence of a candidate's ability at the time of assessment.

Find out more about certificates and achievement levels.

Exams for every ability level 

Trinity offers English exams for every student, mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR), at any stage of their learning journey, 


Free teaching resources and support

Find overviews and specifications for each our exams at every ability level from beginner to advanced, including: exam specifications; free guides for teachers; classroom activities; example practice papers and videos; guidance for administrators; and more.


Additional resources are also available such as:

- Schemes of Work for preparing for ISE exams
- Speaking activities based on research insights into the behaviours of successful test takers
- Classroom posters detailing language functions for CEFR levels <A1-B2, levels B2-C2

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Familiarising yourself with Trinity exams

Your local Trinity representative will assist in familiarising you with Trinity’s exams and on how to prepare and enrol students. Check our Events section for regular webinars and training events.

This information together with our additional resources can also help you to promote the characteristics and benefits of Trinity exams to parents and agents. Download factsheet leaflets and brochures:

Ask your local representative for additional resources such as presentation slides, school visits and promotional materials.

Teacher training and development

Trinity also offers professional qualifications for new and experienced Teachers of English as a Second or Foreign Language (TESOL). Our highly respected TESOL/TEFL qualifications are recognised by the British Council and available around the world through an international network of Trinity-validated course providers. Find out more at

English teachers can also participate in our Transformative Teachers webinars series to support their professional development and a closed Facebook discussion forum where we regularly share ideas, articles and resources about understanding the features and benefits of Trinity exams.

Uniquely from Trinity

Our heritage as an English language, music and drama exam board allows us to combine our understanding of performance and communication with language learning, to offer a range of qualifications with unique benefits. In addition to English language qualifications, we offer:

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Contact us

Talk to your local Trinity representative about options for preparing candidates for Trinity exams at your centre:

“We chose Trinity because
of its focus on authentic
communicative skills.”

Peter Lahiff, Academic Director
Future Learning, Ireland



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