New Zealand

Kia ora and welcome to the Aotearoa New Zealand section of Trinity’s website.

With the 2023 academic year about to start we look forward to working with teachers and students and supporting them in their performing arts education.

Our 2023 practical exam session details are available from your Local Representative, and on the web pages below:

Trinity’s Digital Assessments for Grades and Diplomas provide candidates more choice and flexibility in when and where they sit exams. Contact your Local Representative for more information.

We thank all our teachers, candidates and parents for your continued support and wish you all a safe and happy year ahead.

From all of us at Trinity

“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”
Franklin D Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States

Page last updated 27 February 2023.

Exam information

  • Please see the page links above for entry details
  • Important: please read the conditions on the NZ entry information page
  • We currently offer CertTESOL and CertPT in New Zealand
  • Local representatives administer exam entries - please see NZ contacts for details.
  • To become a Registered Centre please click here.

Trinity ISE and studying in New Zealand

Trinity’s Integrated Skills in English (ISE) exam is recognised increasingly across institutions in New Zealand as evidence of English language proficiency – further recognition information.

Trinity Teach English Online

Learn how teach English online with Trinity Teach English Online and the Trinity Certificate in Online Teaching (CertOT). Learn more.

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