Recorded accompaniments for Digital Grade music exams (Classical & Jazz, Rock & Pop)

Classical & Jazz Digital Grades

Candidates may use recorded accompaniments/backing tracks in place of a live accompanist or duet partner for all digital graded music exams at Initial – Grade 8. The Trinity recorded accompaniments set out below can be used for all digital grades exams.

  • Other pre-recorded accompaniments may also be used, but these should not deviate from the original, or provide extra help to the candidate.
  • Solo (unaccompanied) performances in place of live accompaniment/backing tracks are not permitted

Drum Kit Group A performances and Acoustic Guitar pieces (where tracks are required) must always be accompanied by the Trinity backing tracks.

Candidates may have help operating the equipment so that it does not disrupt their performance. Performing levels should be checked before the recording starts to ensure that there is correct balance and the candidate’s instrument can be heard properly.

Classical & Jazz Digital Diplomas

For digital music diplomas, we strongly advise candidates to perform with live accompaniment. However, we will now accept recorded accompaniments in digital diploma exams, and have removed the 31 December 2023 deadline, making this a permanent offer.

Recorded parts should be on piano for digital diploma exams (except for Drum Kit). If recorded parts on other instruments are required for any other reason, eg harpsichord for baroque works, approval must be obtained in advance.

Rock & Pop Digital Grades

Rock & Pop performances must always be accompanied by the Trinity backing tracks, under all circumstances.

Obtaining Trinity recorded accompaniments / backing tracks


SoundWise allows files to be downloaded as MP3 from website or streamed using an iOS/Android app using a code printed on inside cover of the book.


Streaming platforms supported are Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music and YouTube Music. Search for ‘trinity’ followed by the name of the instrument, eg ‘trinity flute’.

Please note that streaming platforms may remove any of the tracks or albums from their service at any time without notice.

Using other pre-recorded accompaniments

These can be produced by the teacher, candidate or any other musician, or included with publications, or obtained from third-party websites (NB Drum Kit and Rock & Pop candidates must use the Trinity backing tracks).

It is important that the candidate’s performance can be heard clearly throughout, and so any recorded accompaniment should match the published piano accompaniment and not provide any additional assistance to the candidate part.

All Trinity publications can be purchased from or from sheet music retailers. A growing number of publications can be purchased as an ebook through our digital music store at



  Alternative options available for accompaniment

Piano Exam Pieces 2021–2023 (for duets at Initial–Grade 3)

Performance with recording of the Secondo part (the candidate must always play the Primo part). The recording is available on Soundwise (access code included with extended edition), or CD available to purchase.

Performance without accompaniment is not permitted.

Piano Dreams: Duet Books 1 and 2 (for duets at Initial–Grade 3)

Performance with own-sourced recording of the Secondo part (the candidate must always play the Primo part).

Performance without accompaniment is not permitted.


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Singing Exam Pieces 2018–2021 Initial – Grade 8

Recorded accompaniment on CDs included with book

Tido app (subscription)

Sing Musical Theatre

Recorded accompaniment on CD included with book

Vocal exercises Initial – Grade 8

Recorded accompaniment on CD included with book

Soundwise (included with ebook)

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Violin Exam Pieces 2020–2023 Initial – Grade 8


Recorded accompaniment, on streaming platforms, or CDs available to purchase

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Raise the Bar


Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Take Your Bow

Trinity backing track, via Soundwise (code included with book)

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

All publications

Accompaniment on another instrument (eg guitar)

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Solo performance without accompaniment (permitted, irrespective of special arrangements)


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Take Your Bow

Trinity backing track, via Soundwise (code included with book)

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Take Your Bow

Trinity backing track, via Soundwise (code included with book)

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Take Your Bow

Trinity backing track, via Soundwise (code included with book)

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

All publications

No pieces require accompaniment


Options for accompaniment

Acoustic Guitar Exam Pieces 2020–2023 Initial – Grade 8

Recorded accompaniment on streaming platforms and Soundwise (included with book)


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Classical Guitar Exam Pieces 2020–2023 (for duets at Initial–Grade 5)

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications (duets)

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Flute Exam Pieces 2017–2020 Initial – Grade 8 (syllabus valid until 31 Dec 2022, overlap until 31 Dec 2023)

Recorded accompaniment on streaming platforms, or CDs available to purchase

Musical Moments Books 1­–5

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Clarinet Exam Pieces 2017–2020 Initial – Grade 8 (syllabus valid until 31 Dec 2022, overlap until 31 Dec 2023)

Recorded accompaniment on streaming platforms, or CDs available to purchase

Musical Moments Books 1–5

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Musical Moments Books 1–5 and non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Recorder Anthologies Books 1–3 and non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Trumpet/Cornet/Flugelhorn Exam Pieces 2019–2022 Initial – Grade 8

Recorded accompaniment on streaming platforms and Soundwise (code included with book)

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced recorded accompaniment


Options for accompaniment

Drum Kit Exam Pieces 2020–2023
Initial - Grade 8

Backing tracks on streaming platforms and Soundwise (code included with book)

Solo performance without backing track not permitted

Raise the Bar

Backing tracks on streaming platforms and Soundwise (code included with book)

Solo performance without backing track not permitted

Introducing Drum Kit parts 1+2

Backing tracks on Soundwise (code included with book)

CD included with book (earlier editions of part 1)


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Introducing Percussion (for Initial and Grade 1)

Backing tracks on Soundwise (code included with book)

Tuned Percussion Pieces from 2007 Grades 1-5, Snare Drum Pieces from 2007 Grades 1-5, Timpani Pieces from 2007 Grades 1-5, non-Trinity publications

Own-sourced backing track


Alternative options available for accompaniment

Electronic Keyboard Exam Pieces 2019–2022

No pieces require accompaniment. Demo recordings on streaming platforms and Soundwise (included with book)

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