Fixed exam dates

ISE Reading & Writing exam sessions are held on fixed dates throughout the year as follows.

2023 exam dates

  • Wednesday 18 January 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 1 February 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 8 March 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 12 April 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 3 May 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Saturday 20 May 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III and ISE IV
  • Wednesday 7 June 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Saturday 24 June 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 12 July 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 2 August 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 6 September 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 4 October 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 15 November 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III
  • Wednesday 13 December 2023
    ISE Foundation, ISE I, ISE II, ISE III and ISE IV


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