Communication Skills by online delivery

Sitting alongside our live face-to-face exams, the digital version of our Communication Skills graded exams for individual candidates provides additional choice and flexibility to how a regulated graded qualification can be achieved. The digital version takes place online via video conference in registered exam centres.

Same exam, different delivery

The content and skills assessed for Communication Skills exams taken online in centres mirrors face-to-face exams with visiting examiners, with some aspects of the process modified for delivery by video-conference.

The exams have the same performance criteria and the same academic rigour as our face-to-face exams, and candidates gain full recognition for their achievements, with the same UCAS points and same certificate awarded. Read our summary sheet outlining what is the same and what is adapted for online delivery.

Download the summary

Exam requirements 

Candidates should prepare for their exams in the same way they prepare for the face-to-face  exams. They should also practise using Zoom to familarise themselves with talking to people onscreen. Candidates using PowerPoint slides to support their presentation at higher grades are advised to practise using the 'share screen' function in Zoom.

To help candidates identify what they need to do differently via video conference, the table below describes how digital delivery compares to live face-to-face exams.

Exam element

Face-to-face exams

Exams via video conference

Use of PowerPoint presentation slides
Candidate shows to examiner via a screen in the exam.
Candidate sends PowerPoint file to centre in advance, to upload to desktop/laptop before the exam, so that the candidate can 'share screen' with the examiner during the exam presentation task
Grades 6 and 7
Discuss the text of a speech or advertisement (2020 syllabus)
The candidate discusses with the examiner the content and delivery of a speech or advertisement, the text of which is provided by the examiner 15 minutes before the exam.
Candidates familiarise themselves with three possible texts before the exam. The examiner chooses one text to discuss with the candidate. The texts can be found in this Support Guide for online exams together with guidance on how to prepare for these tasks. 
Grade 6
Interview task
The candidate presents a prepared CV for a job or training course/opportunity. The candidate states the title of the job, course or work experience placement.
The candidate states the job, course, or work experience placement they are applying for and the examiner asks relevant questions. The CV is not required.
Grade 8 (2020 syllabus) and Professional Certificate
The candidate gives a public address in response to one of three scenarios. Scenario outlines are provided by the examiner 15 minutes before the exam.
Scenarios choices and guidance can be found in the Support Guide . The candidate selects a scenario to prepare ahead. The candidate delivers their public address, then the examiner gives them a change to make to their speech. The candidate has two minutes to make this adjustment before presenting their public address again incorporating the change.


Resources and support

See Running online exams in registered centres for:

  • Information and videos about what to expect in the exam and how to run exam sessions
  • Guidance on how to set up and run Communication Skills by online delivery from a registered exam centre, via Zoom video conferencing software


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