Benedetti Foundation’s 2022/23 Instrumental Teacher Training activities supported by Trinity College London

13 Jun 2023

Trinity College London supported The Benedetti Foundation in April 2022 with £6,000 donated to their Instrumental Teacher Training activities across England.

The Benedetti Foundation is a music education charity established in 2019 by violinist and dedicated advocate Nicola Benedetti CBE. The charity’s mission is to deliver transformative experiences through mass musical events and unite those who believe music is integral to life’s education, providing equal access to music participation and appreciation for all.

The training activities offered an opportunity to engage with 174 instrumental and classroom teachers across England, revitalising and providing support and uplift to their work.

The sessions aimed to help teachers to:

  • develop skills in teaching specific areas of technique.
  • make closer connections with others working in the same local area.
  • enhance their ensemble leading skills through active participation and observation of the foundation’s mass string days.
  • become more motivated and feel re-energised about teaching.

By providing practical and vital networking opportunities for Instrumental String Teachers, particularly to discuss local provision in each of these areas across the UK, the foundation aims to galvanise a collective effort to enhance string teaching.  We are delighted to support the foundation in its endeavours.



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