
Welcome to Trinity's Malta Centre.

Trinity College London has been represented in Malta since 1967 and has been growing ever since. Until 1980 there was only one exam session held in May/June. However, numbers were increasing and it was decided to have another session in November/December.

At that time it was still Trinity College of Music. It's worth noting here that the founder of Trinity College of Music was a Maltese composer, Henry George Bonavia Hunt Mus.D. He was born in Malta on 30 July 1847. When Henry George grew up he made music his life interest, founding the Trinity College in 1872. He initiated the scheme of local exams now adopted universally. As the founder of Trinity College Henry George Bonavia Hunt became one of the few Maltese who earned an outstanding reputation for themselves and who contributed to the spread of music and culture.

For Music, there is one centre and one representative who also caters for the sister island of Gozo, 25 minutes away by ferry. In Gozo Sr. Cecilia Vella is in charge and helps to keep the representative in constant contact with Gozitan teachers and candidates.

For Speech and Drama, Masquerade is the official Malta centre. The vast syllabus incorporates 150 years of experience of Trinity exams. The centre offers an integrated framework to support and encourage the most imaginative learning, teaching and participation in the widest range of performance and communication skills.

Annual Music events in Malta

  • Yearly results are published in our main paper, The Times
  • Annual Presentation concerts spread over two evenings are held in Malta and another Annual Presentation Day concert is held in Gozo
  • A Teachers’ Support Meeting is held annually, when required


Support for Ukrainian Nationals

In an effort to support the millions of families that have had to take refuge as a result of the conflict in Ukraine, Trinity College London is pleased to introduce a special round of the Trinity Language Access Fund to help those who have been affected by the war.

Learn more

Exams offered in Malta

  • Music, Rock & Pop: for details contact the Music representative (contact details)
  • Speech and Drama: Acting & Speaking, Performance Arts, Musical Theatre, Communication Skills, Performing Diplomas, Teaching Diplomas, Young Performers. For details, contact the Speech and Drama representative (contact details)
  • GESE: for more information on our Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) please click here
  • ISE: for more information on our Integrated Skills in English (ISE) exams please click here
  • TESOL: CertTESOL and DipTESOL. For more information on our TESOL qualifications please click here


All Trinity exams are fully recognized by the Malta Qualifications Council within the Malta Qualifications Framework.

Trinity Teach English Online

Learn how teach English online with Trinity Teach English Online and the Trinity Certificate in Online Teaching (CertOT). Learn more.

Become a registered exam centre  

Please see Become a Registered Exam Centre with Trinity.


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