Performance Certificates

Performance Certificates are offered by Trinity College London as achievement awards separate from the normal Grade syllabus.

The chief difference between a Performance Certificate examination and a Grade examination is that there is no assessed component of discussion and no impromptu work such as sight-reading or improvisation included. Examination is of performance only. These certificate examinations will suit candidates whose whole focus is upon performance.

They can also be valuably used as a focus for consolidation of performance skills when a candidate has completed a given level in a Drama and Speech Syllabus Grade performance subject but needs further time and practice before advancing.

The subjects in which a candidate for a Performance Award normally needs to have successfully reached a certain standard before entering for a certificate award are: Speech and Drama, Performing Text, Individual Acting Skills, Musical Theatre or Performance Arts.

Performance Certificates are available at four levels:

  • Young Performers (pre Grade 1)
  • Foundation (post Grade 3)
  • Intermediate (post Grade 5)
  • Advanced (post Grade 8)

The examination for Performance Certificates may take place in the presence of an audience.

Foundation Performance Certificate

The Foundation Performance Certificate is awarded for a continuous performance programme lasting 12–15 minutes by a candidate who has previously succeeded in Grade 3 in any of the appropriate Drama and Speech syllabus subjects, with Trinity College London or an equivalent awarding body.

Candidates must stage their performance, using simple costume and staging. An audio or video component may be used.

The Trinity College London Drama and Speech Syllabus should be referred to for fuller details.

Intermediate Performance Certificate

The Intermediate Performance Certificate is awarded by examination to candidates who have previously been successful at Grade 5 in any of the relevant Trinity College London Drama and Speech Grade Syllabus subjects (or who have reached the equivalent level with a different examination board) for a devised programme of work lasting 17–20 minutes that illustrates the skills they have gained by work in Grades 4 and 5. Simple staging and costume is to be employed.

The Trinity College London Drama and Speech Grade and Certificate Syllabus should be referred to for more details.

Advanced Performance Certificate

The Advanced Performance Certificate is a particularly useful examination beyond Grade 8 for candidates who wish to receive recognition for their consolidation of relevant performance skills and their confident accomplishment at Advanced level, whether or not they intend to proceed in the performing arts. This Advanced certificate can be taken by candidates who have been successful at Grade 8 in any relevant Trinity College London performance examination or in the equivalent grade from any other equivalent examining body.

Tutors and candidates have found the Advanced Performance Certificate particularly useful in providing a benchmark of progress for students who may be in the preliminary stages of preparing for a Diploma examination in any of the Drama and Speech performance disciplines (see the Trinity Drama and Speech Diplomas syllabus).

At this level candidates are required to present a varied and challenging programme lasting 25–30 minutes.

For full details, please see the Trinity College London Drama and Speech Grade and Certificate Syllabus.



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